Senin, 22 November 2010

Get To Know Each Other

who posted this? khalda ardelia at 7:05 AM 0 comments
Taken from this.

1. What time did you get up this morning? 4:30 am.

2. How do you like your steak? Well done.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Step Up 3D.

4. What is your favorite TV show? News, Glee.

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? France or England.

6. What did you have for breakfast? This morning I had rice and beef.

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Don't really know

8. What foods do you dislike? Squids.

9. Favorite Place to Eat? Home.

10. Favorite dressing? Thousand Island!

11. What kind of vehicle do you drive? I'm not old enough to drive a car or having driving license, but since you ask, it will be a Mini Cooper :)

12. What are your favorite clothes? Anything as long as it's comfortable.

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? France, England, Mekkah.

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? Both options had the same meaning... right?

15. Where would you want to retire? England.

16. Favorite time of day? Afternoon.

17. Where were you born? Jakarta, Indonesia.

18. What is your favorite sport to watch? Football and basketball are the best, they had the good looking players :)

19. Who do you think will not tag you back? I don't know.

20. Person you expect to tag you back first? No one... I guess?

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? Everyone!

22. Bird watcher? Nope.

23. Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning.

24. Pets? Did this question mean: "Do you have a pet?" if so, then No.

25. Any new and exciting news that you'd like to share? Naah, gonna keep it as a secret :)

26. What did you want to be when you were little? A doctor--till now.

27. What is your best childhood memory? When I used to have an imagination friends.

28. Are you a cat or dog person? Dog person.

29. Are you married? No.

30. Always wear your seat belt? Only when I'm on the front seat.

31. Been in a car accident? No.

32. Any pet peeves? No.

33. Favorite pizza topping? CHEESE AND PEPPERONI!

34. Favorite Flower? Sunflower or daisy.

35. Favorite ice cream? Chocolate.

36. Favorite fast food restaurant? Texas. McDonalds are great too.

37. How many times did you fail your driver's test? I've never been to driver's test before.

38. From whom did you get your last email? Idk.

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Nothing.

40. Do anything spontaneous lately? Probably but I don't remember.

41. Love your job? As a student?

42. Broccoli? Yeah, sometimes.

43. What was your favorite vacation? Bali! But I'm wishing to go to Europe, someday.

44. Last person you went out to dinner with? Family.

45. What are you listening to right now? Glee Cast - Over The Rinbow

46. What is your favorite color? Green, Blue, Black, Red, White.

47. How many tattoos do you have? None.

48. Coffee drinker? Sometimes.

49. How many children do you have? Zero.

50. What is your Favorite memory of me (the person who sent it to you)? Since I got this on internet, I don't even know you.

100 Truths

who posted this? khalda ardelia at 6:50 AM 0 comments
Taken from Syifa's blog. See these!


1. Last beverage - (Fanta Susu)

2. Last phone call - (Mom)

3. Last text message - (Muthia)

4. Last song you listened to - (Billionaire - Glee Cast)

5. Last time you cried - (About A Week Ago)


6. Dated someone twice - (No)

7. Been cheated on - (No)

8. Kissed someone & regretted it - (No)

9. Lost someone special - (Yes)

10. Been depressed - (Yes)

11. Been drunk and threw up - (No)


12. Green

13. Blue

14. Red


15. Made a new friend - (Yes)

16. Fallen out of love - (Yes)

17. Laughed until you cried - (Yes)

18. Met someone who changed you - (Yes)

19. Found out who your true friends were - (Yes)

20. Found out someone was talking about you - (Yes)

21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list - (No)

22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life - (80%)

23. How many kids do you want - (2)

24. Do you have any pets - (No)

25. Do you want to change your name - (No)

26. What did you do for your sweet seventeen birthday - (Happiness)

27. What time did you wake up today - (4.30 AM)

28. What were you doing at midnight last night - (Sleeping)

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for - (Be famous haha-_-)

30. Last time you saw your Mother - (This Morning)

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life - (I wish I could turn back the time)

32. What are you listening to right now - (Justin Bieber ft. Jaden Smith - Never Say Never)

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - (No)

34. What's getting on your nerves right now - (My life)

35. Most visited webpage - (Twitter)

36. What's your real name - (Khalda Ardelia Yunus)

37. Nicknames - (Alda)

38. Relationship Status - (Single)

39. Zodiac sign - (Capricorn)

40. Male or female - (Female)

41. Primary School - (SDN Menteng 01)

42. Secondary School - (SMP Negri 19 Jakarta)

43. High school/college - (Not yet)

44. Hair colour - (Black)

45. Long or short - (Long)

46. Height - (163 cm)

47. Do you have a crush on someone - (Yes)

48. What do you like about yourself - (My hair)

49. Piercings - (No)

50. Tattoos - (No)

51. Received presents - (Yes)


52. First surgery - (4th Grader)

53. First piercing - (Forget)

54. First tattoo - (I never had a tattoo before)

55. First sport you joined - (Swim)

56. First kiss - (I never had my first kiss)

58. First boyfriend/girlfriend - (Not yet)


59. Eating - (Nothing)

60. Drinking - (Nothing)

61. I'm about to - (Study for exams)

62. Listening to - (A Rocket To The Moon - Like We Used To)

63. Waiting for - (Someone who can treat me well)


64. Want kids - (Yes)

65. Get Married - (Yes)

66. Career - (Doctor)


67. Lips or eyes - (Eyes)

68. Hugs or kisses - (Hugs)

69. Shorter or taller - (Taller)

70. Older or Younger - (Younger)

71. Romantic or spontaneous - (Spontaneous)

72. Nice stomach or nice arms - (Stomach)

73. Sensitive or loud - (Loud)

74. Hook-up or relationship - (Relationship)

75. Trouble maker or hesitant - (Trouble maker)


76. Kissed a stranger - (No)

77. Drank hard liquor - (No)

78. Lost glasses/contacts - (No)

79. Sex on first date - (No)

80. Broken someone's heart - (No)

82. Been arrested - (No)

83. Turned someone down - (No)

84. Cried when someone died - (Yes)

85. Fallen for a friend - (Yes)


86. Yourself - (Yes)

87. Miracles - (Yes)

88. Love at first sight - (Yes)

89. Heaven - (Yes)

90. Religion - (Yes)

91. Kiss on the first date - (Yes)

92. God - (Yes)


94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time - (No)

95. Did you sing today - (Yes)

96. Ever cheated on somebody - (No)

97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go - (Two years ago)

98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be - (4th May 2010)

99. Afraid of falling in love - (No)

100. Posting this as 100 truths - (Yes)

Senin, 08 November 2010

English Course

who posted this? khalda ardelia at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Where? ILP Cikini. Mulai dari seminggu lalu, gue jadi anak Intermediate 1 \m/ I'M DIFINITELY HAPPY!.. Um, no, not really. HAH? Kenapa? Gila aja ya. Gue sekelas sama bapak-bapak umur 23 ke-atas! (bapak-bapak dan seorang om-.-') AAAA bosen abis di kls. Mana gurunya itu-itu lagiiii. Elah serasa gada guru laen taungga-_-tapi, hm, ok gpp. Gapapa deh tmn sekelas doang :p Doain gue jadi Best Student yak wkwk~ Amien O:)

See yaa :D

Anak Petang

who posted this? khalda ardelia at 7:27 AM 0 comments
Dari hm.. sekitar seminggu atau dua minggu lalu, gue dan temen-temen reguler (kls 7 juga) masuk siang :D kenapaaaa?? Sekolah ku, 19, lagi di rombak :O kan supaya makin baguuus (y) mayan kan gratis dari Pemerintah.. Ya gpp deh orang-orang bilang 'Yah ada aja ya sekolah unggulan masuk siang' So whad? Hey.. Lagi dirombak!!! *napas* Ok gpp ;) cuma sampe Desember kok. Eh.. Desember apa Januari yaa.. Gue harap Desember! Supaya jadwal les dan segala macamnya bisa kembali seperti semual-.- Amien O:)

See yaa :D

Rabu, 03 November 2010

My 100 posts

who posted this? khalda ardelia at 7:42 AM 0 comments
This is my 100 posts. I created this blog over a year ago and it's just 100 posts??? Oh, I'm too lazy. Lazy to type, to think, to...what? Ok. I hope I can be a good blogger later! :-)
Amien O:)

Have A Nice Day, Palls!

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010


who posted this? khalda ardelia at 8:00 AM 0 comments
What? What? Anything wrong? Huh? ok. Ignore that :D

I'M PRETTY HAPPY. Why? Um.. Let's see.. (can I just post in Indonesian? SIP)

1. UTS's done (darikpntau.dan udh dibahas ya).. oke dan.. REMED 4 :( etapi itu udh termasuk kategori mayan bagus loh di kls gue hahaha *bangga. Got the 5th places!! Hahahaha. Nyokap: "Berarti tmntmn km bego2 semua dong. Kamu yang remed 4 aja ranking 5", please deh-_- HAHAHA tapi emg iya sih :p 8J getooo \m/ ALHAMDULILLAH bgt lah tapi! Untuk pertama kalinya gue masuk 5 besar :p oke ini semua juga karna sang penyemangat ( @airislochi ) xixi Misi: No remed on the Final Exams (The 1st Semester). Amien O:)

2. I just knew that.. 07:07 is 'free' hahaha. Gue pikir tdnya dia suka sama satu cewek. Actually, I don't love him. Cuma ngefans! Kenapa? Karna dia itu.. KEREN BANGET! Me, Mia, Farah, Alya, Caca, Arlin, Retia, etc call him 'LEPEK' :3 kenapa? baca nih..

mia: 'al, knp ya banyak yg suka sama 07:07?'
alya: 'abis dia keren bgt. apalagi pas keringetan'
mia: 'ih kan keringetnya Lepek'
alya: 'dia Lepek, kita Klepek'

hahaha OMG. That's why we call him 'Lepek' ;)

3. I bought new earphones and headphones :D yeay! (maruk yea) oke gue beli di Ambas. Dan.. tainya adlh.. headphone gue harganya dimahal-mahalin di toko ncinci bngsd!! AAAA. amblas dah duit gue>nangis
:O friggin awesome :D sejam-an lho gue di atas genteng-_- tapi abis itu gue lsg seneeeng

OKE. Mungkin sampe sini aja post gue.. OHYA!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN buat yg ngerayain :D (i'm not one of 'em). 2141254E @aldaern and --->> add them :) Thanks♥♥♥

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010


who posted this? khalda ardelia at 2:43 AM 0 comments
GUYSSS! KANGEN bgt gue aaaa. udh 3bulanan gak posting :O knp?...males :p xixi pgn cerita banyaaaaak bgttt lalala~~ oke yg pertama tentang...


uts 5 hari...done! gilaaak gue cuma 3 mata pljrn yg nyontek! huahahaha bangga gt :') dan...oke yg duduk di samping gue kk kls 9, namanya kak Nesdy hoho. baik deh wkwk. kan smsm ikut Broadcast :D taungga kan gue pas hari sabtunya maleeees to the max deeh. trs gue minta motivasi ke seseorang. dan...orgnya adalah... @airislochi :* isssh dia baiiiik bgtbgtan!!! I love u :) xixi. okd semoga nilai uts gue di atas nilai KKM! AMIEN :)


ok jadi kejadiannya itu di dpn koperasi SMP Negri 19 Jakarta. pas pualng sekolah lsg ajadeh. gue sengaja nabrak babi cina :3 gatau ya babi cina siapa? okd, babi cina itu sebutan buat adek kls gue, kls 7d xixi. dia mukanya kyk org cina gt. sipiit >.< pendek pula-_- tapi uchuul hahaha. tapi sygnya dia nyolot dan senga-_-issh ilfeel :p hahaha. ok kembali ke cerita. yah gue sengaja gt deh nabrak dia hahah trs gue lsg jalan lg wk. abis gue nabrak dia, gue seneng gmngt :s gatauknp. labil yeaa woohoo!


What's that???...... #UNYUMAIGAT COMMUNITY!!! Who's idea is it? It's @alysaaas 's :D Me, @armiaaa @farahazhiya @reinalyaz @arlinarlina @cacacendana @karinakarls are in the community the name's kinda cute rite? hahaha (kinda freak too-.-)
it's ok! we're #unyumaigat community

OKE. Sampai di sini dulu post yang ini :D Have A Nice Day semua! See you :>

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010


who posted this? khalda ardelia at 6:40 AM 0 comments
Hai. Mau cerita nihh....

Jadi kan kmrn tuh gue lagi sebel2nya sama seorang cowok (bangsat). Dia itu kyk udh ngelupain tmn2nya yg dulu, trs mainnya sama yg eksis2 gt. Nah kan dia punya pacar (gak eksis), kasiaaan deh ceweknya...kyk dicuekin gt. Kan pdhl cewek tuh maunya dpt perhatian lebih dari cowoknya. Yakaaaan? Nah, si cowok ini tuh kalo sms jaraaaaang bgt udh gt kata2nya singkat. BT bgt lah pasti ceweknya!!! Terus kalo di sklh, cowoknya jaraaaang bahkan GAK PERNAH nyapa ceweknya semenjak kls 8. Ceweknya mah udh sabar bgt kaleeee. Cowoknya gamau berubah sih ih males deh! Katanya sayang dan gak mau kok kyk gitu sih sikapnya?!?! Minta digaplok bgt ih hoek!!! Karena ceweknya udh merasa gak sanggup, MUNGKIN si cewek ini mau mtsin dia. Trs tmnnya si cowok tuh nyalahin si cewek!!! PARAH! Katanya 'kasian dia, jgn gitu dong'. APABANGET. Udah jelas2 yg paling kasian itu si ceweknya. Terus si ceweknya jadi pusing bgt mikirin mslh itu. Hmmm, kalo gue jd dia mah, gue ngmg lsg supaya cowoknya nyadar!!!

Nah trs kan gue dan tmn2 gue tuh ngata2in dia, tapi bercanda. Cuma dianya aja yg nganggep beneran. Terus galama ada yg ngeblock sama ngeunfollow gue. Pas gue buka ...... *jengjeng* @y...y.... ngeunfollow gue dan ngeblock gue!!!! :( YA gampang, tinggal block balik. Trs pake ngeprotect twitternya lagi._. wowowooo. TAPI, GUE SAKIT HATI BANGET DIGITUIN! SECARA YA GUA UDH BAIK SAMA DIA TRS DIA KYK GT KE GUA. HM AMPIR MAU KEJER GUA. Heh oke lebe, tapi ya emg itu yg gue rasain. Sakit hati. Kesel. BT. Marah. Rasanya pgn ngebengkokin tulang2nya dia taugak ih....(lah emg dia punya tulang??) Yah tapi apaboleh buat. Ngeunfollow org kan hak dia jg (TAPI INI TEMENNYA SENDIRI GITU YG DIUNFOLLOW!!!--TEMEN??YAKIN LO DA??).
Tapi, yaudahlah. Nasib gue kali punya temen kyk gt...(buset...temen apa temen?!).

Oke, gue cuma bisa doa supaya dia brubah, senyum supaya gue mrasa masalah gue ilang, dan cerita supaya ngeringanin beban di hati (dan supaya org2 tau betapa LAKNATnya dia!) xD

Oke, segitu aja ceritanya :) C U on the next post :>

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

Move On!

who posted this? khalda ardelia at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Yeaaay aku udh move on!!! Dari kapan tau sihhh tapi baru sempet ngepost meheee ^^V. Kan tadinya sama si G yg cool itu, skrng sama I yang pinter, rajin, berkulit coklat, ganteng unyuuu bgt deeh wkwkwk tapi...dia kyk gbs ngelupain mantannya gt huaaaahaaa sedih bgt ya ckck. Trs ada tmn sekelas yg suka sama dia!!! Duuuh ngerasa MT deeh...TAPI GUE GAK MT! Kan org yg suka itu udh gasuka lagi :p :p OYA, dan dia skrng kls 8H :( kls akademik :( that's why I really really want to study in 8H...hixx...poor me! NAH oke forget it :D It's not a big deal, isn't it? ^^V. Tapi yaaa....blm lama ini, gue kalo suka sama cowok gak cuma satu T_T SUKA YA SUKA! hahahaha tapi kalo si I.....hehehe yaaa SUKA dan SAYANG.

Oke, see you on the next post!

8th Grade

who posted this? khalda ardelia at 8:55 AM 0 comments
I'm a Junior High Sophomore!!! Yeay!!! Gue ranking 21 di kls 7G (dari 36 anak) dan ranking 155 dari satu angkatan :D cukup lah....nyuuu. Sekarang gue di 8J :) tapiiiii, kmrn gue dites kls akademik, yg anaknya pinter-pinter bgt, gila aja woy! gua msk ranking aja gak, knp bisa dites?? sedikit membingungkan. Yaudh gpp, berarti gue cukup pinter weheee :p tapi ttp aja gak keterima. masa gue peringkat 2.....DARI BELAKANG :O

Tadinya gamau msk kls akadmk, tapi....skrng mau bgt :( karna ada si ituuu :'( huaaah pgn sekelas sama ituuu hixhix....

Di 8J anak cowoknya....wuh mantab lah!! ya karna gitudeh. Tapi ceweknya gakseru :S malesin bgt. Ada jg satu cewek sok pinter, sksd, suka jbjb issh pabgt dah ah hih !@#$%^& Udah mulai pewe di 8J☺☺☺

Oke, see you on the next post


who posted this? khalda ardelia at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Iye taudah udh lewat lama ni acara...tapiiii gue lagi jatuh cinta sama yang namanya Thomas Müller!!!!!! Pemain punggung German nmr 13!!! Tanggal lahir guee!!! wkwkwk..seneng bgt unyuuuu :p :p Udah ganteng, jago, keren..hwaaa!!! Nihnih cowok gua XD .....



Tapi....ada fotonya Müller lagi sama cewek gila *peace* HUH BT bgt :( hiks bgt wowowo curang lu cewek gila!!!stres nih rghhhh!!! !@#$%^& nihnih fotonya.......

Hikss oke cukup...huhuhu awas aja yaa...(?) Oke, sampai jumpa dipost selanjutnya ;)


who posted this? khalda ardelia at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Hi. How's ur day everyone? Me? I'm....just so-so and not sos-ro ^^V I'm a Junior High Sophomore now B-) Oke, pake Bahasa Ibu ajadeh mihiii 8) Aku sekarang pake kerudung looh XD pada nanya-nanya gt knp aku tbtb pake kerudung...aku pake kerudung karna pengen aja hehe trskan perempuan itu wajib menutup auratnya (kata bu dewi-tante) trs kalo rambutku lg kusut/berantakan bisa lsg kuncir trs pake kerudung-_- *pemales mode:on* dan alasan yg terakhir itu: kak igit, dara udh pada pake kerudung....masa aku enggak? MALUUU KALEEE! :p HE-HE.

See yaa on the next post!

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010


who posted this? khalda ardelia at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Wooy! Lama gak posting. MISS YA! eh eh, gue tbtb suka lomography deh, gue mau beli LOMO aaah (AMIEN!) doakan saya kawan (?) gue search di google nih::

Cool rite?

ini gue suka apaya...suka ajadeh

effectnya ituloocc....KEREN!

lightnya itu kali yaaa....

uoooo gue suka grgr effectnya tuuh...BIKIN JATUH CINTA (i still love G!) hehehe .
ohya ada satu pict lg!!:::

cie, cinta bgt gue sm PRANCIS ♥♥♥!!!

udah yaapsss, kapan-kapan kita brjumpa lg. udh malem, ngatuk, bsk mau pergi nntn ALICE IN WONDERLAND 3D :) BYEE! haffa nice dream......

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010


who posted this? khalda ardelia at 2:19 AM 0 comments
Guys u know what? I bought a new AMAZING novel last Sunday in Gramedia Matraman :D hooaaa i'm so HAPPY! DO U KNOW WHAT NOVEL IS IT? WELL IF U WANNA KNOW, U HAVE TO PAY Rp 10.000,- TO ME! hoahaha. No it's just kidding guys!! Hm the novel is.....


wooaaaaah from te cover IS VERY GOOD!i read it about 2days, too long? not too :D really LOVE this book, cuz the book could make me crying. The story is about best friends--a boy named NATA and a girl named NIKI--they met Annalise or Anna. And it's about hurts and many more! JUST READ THIS BOOK! I BELIEVE IF U READ THIS BOOK WITH SERIOUS AND INTERNALIZED, YOU'LL CRY AND WANT TO READ THIS BOOK AGAIN AGAIN AND AGAIN!

i guess NATA is so kind, handsome, and--almost--perfect!really love him :D i wish i could find a boy just like him and the reasons why i bought that is...TOO MANY!LOVE THIS BOOK. LOVE REFRAIN. LOVE NATA!

Me with Refrain

When i was opening the envelope, i found the letter.

"It's always been you..." I think it's a hand-writing So in love with this book especially NATA!!!

Ok, see you on the next post!

Senin, 25 Januari 2010


who posted this? khalda ardelia at 12:59 AM 0 comments
heyyy my bloggy!kangen parah akuuu. bosen nih gak ada liburan lg-_-udh mana tugas segudang!banyak deh yg blm slese GUA GITU pinter yeee. mau cerita2 nih BANYAAAAK BANGEEET SUMPAH salah satunya ttg *piiip* yg NYEBELIN BANGSAT!mungkin ada satu org tau ttg *piiip* itu siapa. it can be you :) masa yaa si *piiip* itu nyolot bgt mau tau ttg ..... (gue gak mau frontal) MAKSA BGT SIH LU, LU TUH GAK DITAKDIRKAN BUAT TAU TTG ...... LO TAU GAK ....... ITU PRIVASI GUA BACOT BABAY!maaf yaa gue lg kesel bgtbgt udh mana si *piiip* tuh suka mamer, nyolot, ngomong aja GAK BENER!bapeddd lu coddd!judul sm apa yg gue postin gak nyambung ye kayak si *piiip*! GUE BENCI LO. SAMPE KAPANPUUUUN!codd

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

I'm Yours

who posted this? khalda ardelia at 5:15 AM 0 comments
sumpah ya gue lg suka bgt bgt sama lagunya JASON MRAZ ini! udh JASON MRAZ ganteng, lagunya BAGUS lagi! :D


well you done done me and you bet i felt it
i tried to get you but you're so hot that i melted
i fell right through the cracks
and i'm trying to get back
before the cool done run out
i'll be giving it my bestest
nothin's going to stop me but devine intervention
i reckon its again my turn to win some or learn some

i won't hesitate no more
no more it cannot wait, i'm yours

well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and damn you're free
look into your heart and you'll find love love love
listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me
ah la peaceful melody
its your godforsaken right to be loved love loved love love

so i won't hesitate no more
no more it cannot wait i'm sure
theres no need to complicate
our time is short
this is our fate, i'm yours

i been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
and bendin over backwards just to try to see it clearer
my breath fogged up the glass
so i drew a new face and laughed
i guess what i'm sayin is there ain't no better reason
to rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
its what we aim to do
our name is our virtue

i won't hesitate no more
no more it cannot wait i'm sure
theres no need to complicate
our time is short
it cannot wait, i'm yours

huaaawh, love you JASON MRAZ! ♥♥♥

my #1 time crying because ....

who posted this? khalda ardelia at 5:06 AM 0 comments
from the tittle..yes im crying because of LOVE :'( FIRST TIME! oh my GOD! td kan gue dengerin lagunya SS501 - Because I'm Stupid, bahasanya sih gatau deh bahasa apaan tp ya tiba2, gue nangis gitu ajaaa. gue nangis gara2 gue selalu suka sama yg orang gak pernah suka sama gue, SEDIKIT PUN, CUMA TEMEN. sumpah ya gue baru nyadar sekarang!bodohnya gue :'( gue lsng mau cerita ke syifa, tp gue malu wooy. eh dianya juga nangis gara-gara inget ghiffa :( huaah, gue emang JELEK, GENDUT, BEGO, BODOH, CENGENG, AH KACAU DEH GUE!

who posted this? khalda ardelia at 5:00 AM 0 comments

padahal ulangtahunnya kemaren :p

gue dapet 99 new notifications hahaha :D seneng deeh akuu. semoga aku bisa gapai semua impian ku yaa, AMIEN YA RABBAL ALAMIEN :D

new cellphone

who posted this? khalda ardelia at 4:51 AM 0 comments
heloo all! i bought a new cellphone, you know what was it? okeeey ini dia

tau kan itu bb apaaaa? eyaaa itu bb curve 8520 gemini. tadinya gue gaptek bgt loh :D ehehe, tp sekarang udh rada mendingan deeh. gue beli bb di ambassador, BlackBerry Love, Rp 3.000.000,- wih mahal yee -_- kan mustinya Rp 2.950.000,- dasar lu korupt!wakakak. aku seneng bgt deh ehehe, hp N76 ku aku kaaih ke kak kiki yg sgt butuh hp ;') tp kadang2 kangen sih yaaa sama N76 :') unyunyu....


who posted this? khalda ardelia at 4:49 AM 0 comments
blog! aku kangen deh gak boong demi. aku banyak mau cerita deh :) yg penting-penting aja yaaah kayak update ku yg di atas okeeeys?

see ya!

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